Shoviaad River
The Shoviaad River
The Shoviaad River is better known as the Kingdom Bridge. It curves and wends it's way through much of Quor Zanin, initiating in the marshes of Zormeni and weaving it's way through the jungle and the grasslands to the north of it. It curves east, skirting the Holdurin Plains and Holdurin's Rest, before curling back on itself and running through the southern farmlands near [[Rendgarde. Finally, it curves back east, spilling down the cliffs east of Rendgarde at the Shoviaad Falls, before emptying into the Sea of Shifting.
The kingdoms of Ryvalen and Quor Zanin use it as a trade way, and, were it not for the falls, it would be a perfect way to bring things inland from the sea. As it happens, ships will dock at the small dwarven trade settlment of Mountainhome, then the goods are carried up the cliffs to a small river village and sent downstream to Quor Zanin or Holdurin's Rest.