Mind Fae

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Mind Fae

Mind fae are, by far, the most unique, and terrifying, form of fae. Coming not in the form of humanoids, they instead resemble winged worms, about six inches in length and impossibly thin. They burrow into the brain of an unsuspecting victim and take root, feeding upon them parasitically. When the fae deems itself ready, it will perform the dragon ritual, just as it's brethren do, but it will force a change into a body that is not ready for it, therefore, mind dragons often appear as dead: Exposed bones, twisted and cracked to form the spindly, spider-like beasts.

Mind fae typically spawn in places where dark magic is strongest, or prevalent, and at places of great knowledge. They usually go for weak-minded hosts, since they are predators, and are, blessedly, rare. They spend a great deal of their time waiting, usually in places of natural excess, such as thick foliage or beneath snow or sand.

Not all mind fae are inherently evil. It has been said that some act symbiotically with their hosts, giving them some degree of extra power and strength. These cases are rarer still, but not unheard of.