Kreitorath, the Great Wolf, is the father of all that is. He sits in his endless forest, penning time, space, the universe as we know it. He writes all stories, he forges all destinies. Or he would, if he didn't get so very distracted by shiny things.
Though Kreitorath is the oldest being in the universe, he remains whimsical. He is a wholly benevolent creature, though he realizes that darkness must temper light, and vice versa. With that knowledge, which is the knowledge he wishes he'd never known, the Great Wolf writes to keep things in order as best he can. When he realized he simply could not do this alone, he wrote his brothers into existence...
Just as his name would suggest, Kreitorath takes the form of a gigantic wolf. He walks and talks like a human, but he is covered in rich, silver fur and is imposing in battle, should he ever take to it. His eyes burn with a myriad of colors, all concepts contained within them.