=== Languages ===
Kirandur is a land of diverse peoples and places, and, therefore, languages. Below, you will find a list of languages spoken across the world, and what they may, or may not, sound like.
Dakur (Language of the dwarves.)
Dakur is a gruff language, with lots of hard K sounds. It was crafted to evoke the stone that makes up all of Kirandur.
Ancient Elvish
A flowing, lilting language, almost musical to listen to, even in the spoken word. It's the basis for most words in Elvish today, and even has some bearing on Common.
Nariliel Elvish
A more refined and simplified version of Ancient Elvish. Fewer long words and many more contractions.
Frisa Streyan Elvish
A gruffer, more clipped form of language, with it's roots more in Dakur than Ancient Elvish.
Kir'Lon (The language of the Kiruta Leonus.)
This is a well-guarded, little known language that all officers of Kiruta Leonus learn upon induction, taught through a ritual that implants the language in their mind. It's a language that sounds more like growls and snarls, allowing them to communicate with their mounts, and makes it nearly impossible to be learned through listening. It is impossible to write. It also has a heavy somatic component, primarily in hand gestures.
The language of all. This language is the most decended from ancient elvish, and all races have the ability to speak it.
All fae have their own dialect but this is the common language of {{The Fae]]. It's a rather standard sounding language, but it's words are complex enough to always have one running in circles and contradicting themselves if they haven't mastered it.
A language of chittering and buzzing, this is a language most would just guess were the sounds of insects in the jungle. It isn't. If you hear it, you're probably already dead.
Leonas (Language of lionfolk)
This is the basis for Kir'Lon. The lionfolk taught the elves of Frisa Streyis their language many centuries ago, and the Kiruta Leonus took it for their own purposes.
Retilan (Language of Lizardfolk and reptilian races.)
This is a hissing, slithering language, all long S sounds and some subtle clicks.
Aquiloan (Language of crasoel)
A burbling language that uses the lungs to their greatest capacity to create sounds only masters of the body, or crasoel, could. It's best spoken when fully submerged.
Drinker's Code (Language of the Gnomish bootleggers.)
A language that really isn't a language at all. It's just common, with a lot of inside slang and cuss words the Drinkers use to send messages to each other. It's also just common written backwards and upside down.
Nomadd (Language of the gnomes.)
A language of short words and little punctuation. Gnomes are small and busy, they need to be able to say things quickly and concisely.
Orcall (Language of the orcs.)
A deep and strangely melodious language, playing into the strength and calm of the orcs. Orc speakers are known to captivate entire crowds when they speak in their native language, many comparing them to the sounds a mighty oak would make were it to speak.
Hunter's Wyrd (A language used by Oakanrelian royal hunters, but is taught to certain rangers or learned by intelligent linguists)
This is primarily a hand signal language. There are few words, less than ten, the rest is conveyed through hand signs for maximum stealth.
Holdurin (A language used by folk of the plains, but it's incredibly rare.)
This was an old language used by frontiersmen of the Holdurin Plains to warn of bandits approaching. Holdurin himself crafted it so that bandits would not be made aware that the people of the frontier were aware of their coming.
Quorish (Language of the tribes living in Quor Zanin.)
A musical, rich language, it's often thought that Quorish is heavily influenced by Elvish. In truth, it's a language that came about as tribes interacted with each other over millennia.
Hillspeech (The language of halflings, usually those native to the hills of Golindray.)
A language of jubilance and fun. This language is known for having more inuendos and clever jokes than any of Kirandur's languages.
Gobra (Language of the goblins.)
A harsh, snarling language of spat words and angry rasps. Most civilized goblins have sworn off of it entirely.
Gantol (Language of the giants.)
A heavy, ponderous language, slow of word and heavy of sound.
Kon'Laskin (Language of the old Pantheon.)
These are the words used by mages who need incantations. The essence of the old gods is what brings magic to Kirandur today, primarily through the old gods of dream, thought, and emotion.