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Zeh’Laxaehr is a direct antithesis to Sen’Skoram, a being of pure darkness, seeking to snuff out light and life where he can. He stands as a cold reminder to all that the darkness is rarely their friend. For in it, Zeh’Laxaehr hides, waiting to reap. Zeh’Laxaehr may be brother to Sen’Skoram, but he often works in close proximity with Hra’Kevoth. Together, they have sought to overthrow Kreitorath many times, and once even succeeded... So they thought.
Zeh'Laxaehr appears as his brother: Smooth skinned, hairless. He, however, is a deep, midnight black, with small points of light appearing all about his body. He is shrouded in a cloak and armor of pure black ice, and carries daggers of the stuff that cannot be destroyed by any heat that exists. He is the Voidfather, the creator of the moon, the darkest and most lifeless creation he could ever forge.